
The Big 5 East Africa attracts thousands at KICC

Visitors at The Big 5 Construct East Africa 2016. (Image source: DMG Events)

The third and last day (4 November) of The Big 5 Construct East Africa, which took place at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, explored sustainability in construction with renowned industry experts

On 3 November, the cabinet secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, James Wainaina Macharia, and the principal secretary, Arch. Aidah N. Munano, visited the 2016 show organised by dmg events Middle East Asia & Africa with the support of the National Construction Authority (NCA).

The official exhibition of Kenya’s first National Construction Week hosts over 150 exhibitors from 20 countries showcasing the latest and most innovative solutions for the built environment.

The first day of the event gathered over 2000 professionals, according to the event organiser.

“I am truly happy to have come to The Big 5 Construct East Africa, there are so many construction products being exhibited here and I am learning a lot from foreign companies that are attending the event. I praise the organisers for bringing all these manufacturers to Nairobi, as this is a unique opportunity for construction industry professionals in Kenya to learn and exchange innovative ideas,” said Joseph Oduor, a visitor to the event.

The Big 5 Construct East Africa 2016, which is co-located with NCA’s second Annual Construction Research Conference and Exhibition (ACoRCE 2016), is the central meeting place for global manufacturers to network and do business in Kenya, and the broader East African region. 

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