
Spotlight on food and agriculture to achieve SDGs

FAO is taking the necessary measures to explore the potential of food and agriculture in supporting Egypt’s Vision 2030 and in achieving SDGs. (Image source: Christopher Griner/ Flickr)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) has organised a workshop from 24-26 June 2018 in Egypt, focusing on transforming food and agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

During the sessions, participants discussed the SDGs’ strategic framework in relation to food and agriculture, Egypt’s Country Programming Framework (CPF) and WFP’s Strategic National Framework in Egypt and capacity building activities to measure SDGs’ indicators under FAO’s patronage.

The workshop sessions tackled Egypt’s 2030 Development Strategy in relation to the UN’s adopted 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Khairy Barakat, president of CAPMAS, said, “The 2030 SDGs helped in monitoring and measuring the challenges facing human beings around the world. An integrated approach to achieve SDGs is the appropriate means to monitor and measure development.”

Hussein Gadain, FAO representative in Egypt, stated, “SDGs urge countries to adopt and formulate their policies, to organise their programmes and to plan their investments in ways that promote transformational change while emphasising the need for a more integrated approach to development.”

FAO is taking the necessary measures to explore the potential of food and agriculture in supporting Egypt’s Vision 2030 and in achieving SDGs.

Working groups were also formed to discuss how policies can be linked to food security measures, and how the SDGs can be applied through alliances and partnerships.

Dr Ehab EL Essawy, director of Food Technology Research Institute, MALR, informed that the Ministry is working to develop a variety of programmes to address the lack in water resources’, challenges and limited arable land.

FAO focuses on a set of goals, including the eradication of poverty in all its forms everywhere, eliminate hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture, ensuring water availability and sanitation etc.

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