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South Africa: Nelson Mandela International Day

Nelson Mandela in 2008. (Image source: South Africa The Good News/Wikimedia Commons)

The UN Information Centre, in partnership with the South African High Commission in Tanzania, has commemorated the International Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July 2018 at the Buguruni School for the Deaf in Buguruni Malapa in Dar es Salaam

In November 2009, the UN General Assembly declared through Resolution A/RES/64/13 that 18 July would be "Nelson Mandela International Day" in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.

The event in this year commemorates 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela International Day also celebrates and reflects on Mandela’s life and legacy, focused on his values and dedication to conflict resolution, race relations, reconciliation, human rights, gender equality, the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, as well as the fight against poverty and the promotion of social justice.

As in past years, people around the world are encouraged to use 18 July to take action and inspire change by devoting time to community service, focused on fighting poverty, supporting vulnerable groups, and promoting human rights.

In Tanzania, participants at the Buguruni school for the deaf include members of the diplomatic community, UN officials, youths, south African diaspora in Tanzania and the media.

Nelson Mandela wished to be honoured through voluntary work. At the school, all participants will participate in voluntary cleaning up activities and spending time with the disabled children.

At UN headquarters in New York, events will include an informal meeting of the General Assembly featuring remarks by the President of the General Assembly and the UN Secretary-General. The Hashtags to use are #MandelaDay , #Mandela100.

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