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Power Africa announces electricity boost to Southern Africa

(Image source: USAID)

Power Africa announced during African Utility Week to increase the supply of electricity in Southern Africa

The US aid-funded Southern African Energy Program is a five-year project led by Deloitte and includes McKinsey, Another Option, CrossBoundary, and Worley Parsons.

The announcement came as representatives from Power Africa, a US government-led initiative launched by Barack Obama in 2013, and the US Mission in South Africa participated in African Utility Week and the Gas to Power World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, last week.

In celebrating the launch of the program, Andrew Herscowitz, coordinator for Power Africa, said, “The Southern African Energy Program is an exciting new way for the United States and Africa to work together to improve economic harmonization. Power Africa is well on its way to advancing its goals of providing 30,000MW and 60 million connections by 2030.”

The United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) also signed a grant with Pele Green Energy, for US$1,099,579 to fund a feasibility study to assess the viability of a photovoltaic solar facility in Free State, South Africa. The grant is reserved under funds from the US Africa Clean Energy Finance Initiative. 

Teddy Taylor, the US Consul General to Cape Town, said, “We are excited to support the work that Pele Green Energy is doing, and hope this will be the start of a lasting relationship as we work together to achieve energy solutions in South Africa that will create greater prosperity for all.”

Power Africa also launched its third and newest handbook in the "Understanding" series, called Understanding Natural Gas and LNG Options, at a reception co-hosted with the law offices of Webber Wentzel.

So far, Power Africa has helped fund 62 projects comprising 6,692MW, of which 1,531MW are operational. Power Africa has added 9.5 million connections, which means tens of millions of people now have access to power. 

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