
US applauds peaceful Kenyan elections

Uhuru Kenyatta speaking at the opening session of the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Third Parliament. (Photo: DIRCO/Flickr)

Heather Nauert, the Department Spokesperson for the US Department of State, has released this statement, following the Kenyan presidential election which took place on last week

"As a longstanding friend of Kenya, the United States applauds the millions of Kenyans who on August 8 peacefully exercised their fundamental democratic right to choose their leaders. We welcome the statements made by international and domestic missions observing the Kenyan elections, which have contributed to transparency, integrity, and public confidence in the electoral process. Our Mission in Nairobi also fielded observers, and we were impressed by Kenyans’ commitment to ensuring their voices are heard through the ballot box."

The IEBC, via Reuters, have reported that Uhuru Kenyatta won 54.2 per cent of the vote, with 8,214,779 votes, with Raila Odinga coming in second with 44.9 per cent of the votewith 6,815,971 votes (at the time of writing with 99 per cent of the vote reported. 

"We also encourage the IEBC to continue communicating openly with the Kenyan public, and we welcome the IEBC’s commitment to fully investigate any allegations of fraud, with the engagement of all election stakeholders."

"If candidates dispute results, it is important that they do so in accordance with the constitution and rule of law and not through threats or acts of violence. We stand with Kenyans across the political spectrum who are working together to advance democracy, build prosperity, and strengthen security in their great country."

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