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How To Trade In Kenya: A workshop for newcomers to an exciting market

One of the workshops from the Big 5 Construct last year. (Image sourced: DMG events)

A timely assessment of current market sentiment, new opportunities and top tips to help you set up your business and operate successfully in East Africa, taking place on Thursday 03 November at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

07:50 - 08:00 Registration

08:00 - 08:05 Opening remarks

08:05 - 08:20 An introduction to EA culture and Tradition

Dr. Charles Owuor Olungah, senior research fellow and director of the Institute of Anthropology, Gender & African Studies (IAGAS), University of Nairobi

08:20 - 08:40 Ease of doing business in Kenya

- Overview of Kenya Investment climate

- Investment facilitation /incentives to investors

- Investment projects available for investment

Mr. Pius Rotich, general manager investment promotion, Kenya Investment Authority

08:40 - 09:00 The Role of NCA in developing the construction industry & Introduction to dealing with construction permits and/or licensing in EA

- Quality assurance and ensuring compliance to regulations

- Capacity Building through:

- Promotion of joint ventures to enhance competiveness

- Provision of equipment for training and leasing

- Provision of low interest loan schemes to SME contractors

- Provide consultancy services

- Materials and technology Standardisation

- Inform and direct Construction Industry Policy

- Conduct /Commission research and promote linkages between research findings and its uptake

Eng. Raymond Karani (MIEK) (R.Eng), Ag. general manager, Registration and Compliance, National Construction Authority

09:00 - 09:10 Break

09:10 - 09:30 Tax Masterclass: Understanding corporate tax obligations

- Various Forms of Taxes Attaching to Corporate entities and the governing legislations;

- Rate of Corporate Tax for Residents and Non-Resident Corporations;

- Relevance of Double Tax Agreements, LLPs in Tax Management; and

- Tax Incentives – capital deductions, wear and tear allowance, industrial building allowance, farm works allowance, investment allowance

Teddy Okello - ddvocate, MD & Group CEO, Strategic Legal Solutions Group Limited

09:30 – 09:35 Closing remarks

09:35 End of the How to Do Business in East Africa workshop

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