
Himoinsa advises African leaders to buy power generation plants

Himoinsas Plug and Play system enables governments to purchase equipment for a particular project. (Image source: Himoinsa)

Energy generation systems provider Himoinsa has asked African governments to purchase power generation plants instead of leasing them

The company was part of the 16th edition of the Africa Energy Forum (AEF), which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 18 to 20 June 2014. The event is considered a significant conference on African energy and was attended by more than 1,200 participants, including investors, ministers and government representatives from the different energy departments of African countries.

Keith Webb, general manager of Himoinsa Middle East, spoke about the company’s role as a vertical manufacturer. He emphasised on the importance of offering African governments a comprehensive service like turn-key projects, such as the one Himoinsa recently delivered to the Angolan Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA).

“African governments are developing major power generation projects and require support from companies like Himoinsa, which manufacture customised power plants and undertake integral projects. We study and customise the client’s requirements, right up to the technical design and installation of equipment. It’s about knowledge transfer — an integral transfer of technology.”

In particular, the company's ’Plug and Play’ system for large power generation projects enables African governments to purchase equipment for a specific project. Once a project is completed, part of this equipment can be adapted, dismantled and transported to another location where new construction works need to be carried out — this is why company officials insist governments own this kind of equipment instead of leasing them.

The multinational energy firm has nearly 20 distributors in Africa, all located to deal with the needs of the markets. The company has undertaken key projects in Africa since the 1990s and supplied power plants to nations like Libya, Mozambique, Kenya and South Africa.

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