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Enlit Africa to highlight Africa's energy transition

Enlit Africa has been connecting the utility industry on the continent for more than two decades. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

With loadshedding still a prominent issue for many African countries, Enlit Africa will explore Africa’s energy transition in more detail as the need for alternatives becomes more important

Eskom’s chief executive, Andre de Ruyter, has stated, “We will face generation constraints going forward. We have therefore welcomed the latest announcement from the Department of Energy to procure more energy capacity.”

In early April, the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy announced that it was opening bids for window six of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). It is anticipated that 2,600MW of renewable energy will be procured from Independent Power Producers (IPPs). Of this, 1.6 GW will be produced by wind – in line with the gazetted IRP2019.

De Ruyter has shared that Eskom had started a bid process for renewable energy projects on Eskom-owned land which would also be added to the grid in the next 18-24 months.

Formerly known as African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa, Enlit Africa has been connecting the utility industry on the continent for more than two decades.

Claire Volkwyn, head of content, Enlit Africa, said, “June's edition will bring new features to the line-up, including the first fully hybrid Enlit Africa event – with the opening keynote address taking place over two days and sessions streamed to attendees around the world via our digital platforms.” 

Enlit Africa's programme highlights will focus on the changing energy sector, the energy transition and the technology bringing light to millions across the continent.

Presentations and panel discussions will cover some of the following: 

Unpacking the realities of Africa's energy transition 

The future of gas in southern Africa and gas master plans 

Alternative funding mechanisms 

Scaling up clean energy business 

Financing transmission infrastructure 

Revenue management in utilities 

TID Rollover: Expediting rollover programme implementation for utilities with large install base 

Asset life extension and protection 

Improving the reliability and efficiency of supply  

Unlocking wheeling tariffs at municipalities 

Energy storage: the cornerstone of a successful energy transition? 

Integrating BESS at a municipal level 

Update on 100MW self-generation for commercial and industrial entities 

Find out more here

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