
Building Energy to take part in the 2017 South Africa – Italy Summit

(Image source: The European House-Ambrosetti/LinkedIn)

Luca Silva, Head of Design and Construction Africa and the Middle East, will illustrate the Building Energy’s skills and vision from start-up to successful enterprise during the debate ‘Leaders for the future’

Building Energy will participate in the fourth edition of The European House - Ambrosetti’s “South Africa – Italy Summit”, taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 24 - 25 October 2017. 

The “2017 South Africa – Italy Summit”, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Embassy in South Africa, the South African Embassy in Italy, the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and Confindustria, and sponsored also by Building Energy, is an exclusive meeting of the most influential business leaders, government authorities and economists from Italy, South Africa and Sub-saharan Africa, which provides them with a platform to debate about the most relevant geo-political and economic issues in order to increase investments and trade synergies between the two countries and the respective continents.

Luca Silva, Head of Design and Construction Africa and Middle East of Building Energy, will take part in the Summit with a speech illustrating the company’s skills and vision from start-up to successful enterprise during the session: “Leaders for the future”, scheduled on 24 October.

Building Energy owns a gross capacity of 144 MW of green power generation through power plants in South Africa, the Americas, and Europe. The company has been present in Africa since 2012 and from its Cape Town office, Building Energy manages and coordinates over 40 projects that are operational and under development in Africa and the Middle East across the technologies of solar, wind and small-scale hydroelectric energy.

The main Building Energy’s African projects is an 81 MW solar park in Kathu, in the Northern Cape, one of the biggest PV plants in the continent. In April 2015 Building Energy was awarded preferred bidder status in Round Four of South Africa’s REIPP programme for a 140 MW wind project in Laingsburg, in the Western Cape Provinces and a 4.7 MW small-hydro project in Kruisvallei, in the Free State Province.

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