
African Review weekly digest - 10th - 14th July

(Image source: Komencanto/commons)

Here is a brief overview of the week’s news on African Review, from 10th - 14th June 2017

Open markets and free trade will help Africa help itself

Priti Patel, Secretary of State for International Development wrote this op-ed piece, originally published in the Sunday Telegraph on 9 July 2017, and was distributed by the UK Department for International Development. Click to read the full story.

KRCS: "Mobile cash reduces hunger and boosts local economies in Kenya"

The money is primarily transferred using the M-Pesa mobile phone-based money transfer service. Click to read the full story.

Ethiopia-Djibouti Water Project to be inaugurated Soon

The Ethiopia-Djibouti cross border potable water project is ready to start operation in about three months, with expecting to provide safe drinking water to more than 700,000 Djibouti nationals. Click to read the full story.

Tazara flyover construction marks progress in Tanzania

The construction of Tanzania’s first flyover at Tazara by the junction of Nelson Mandela Expressway and Nyerere road in Dar es Salaam has progressed 45.3 per cent, according to the Tanzanian government. Click to read the full story.

Parallels with Latin America for African oil and gas industry at International Gas Union event

A roundtable event organised by Energynet brought together representatives from the African and Latin American energy industry and International Gas Union (IGU). Click to read the full story.

New insecticide-treated mosquito net to fight against malaria

BASF has introduced a new class of insecticide-treated mosquito nets to prevent malaria. Click to read the full story.

Wind power project near completion in Namibia

The construction of US$13.6mn Ombepo wind power project at Lüderitz in Namibia is close to completion, reported the developer Innosun Energy Holdings, noting that the project aims to add five megawatts of electricity to the country’s national power grid. Click to read the full story.

New China Daily unveiled at plant inauguration ceremony in Nanjing

NAVECO, the joint venture between IVECO and SAIC, has celebrated the first New China Daily light commercial vehicle coming off the assembly line at its new plant in Qiaolin, Nanjing. Click to read the full story.

Gambia signs MoU with Senegal for cross-border electricity supply

Gambia and Senegal signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a cross-border electricity initiative, which will strengthen energy cooperation between the two west African countries. Click to read the full story.

27 million Tanzanians now have access to improved water services

One in two people in Tanzania has access to basic water services according to a new report released by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF. Click to read the full story.

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