

The initiative is AfDB’s High5 priority to light up and power the continent. (Image source: Clara Sanchiz/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB), the Nordic Development Fund and other partners have granted US$58mn to support the Off-Grid Energy Access Fund (OGEF)

Chris Weston, CEO of Aggreko. (Image source: Aggreko)

The African Energy Forum (AEF) is one of the most important events in the African utilities sector. This year, the AEF’s 20th anniversary, Chris Weston, CEO of Aggreko, shares how he had the pleasure of delivering the welcome address

The rural electrification initiative aims to make a contribution to economic, social and ecological development. (Image source: USAID U.S. Agency for International Development/Flickr)

The Nigerian Agricultural Bank, Bank of Agriculture and the African electricity supplier Daystar Power have entered into a comprehensive cooperation agreement for rural electrification in Nigeria

The move is in line with South Africa’s aim to boost its power sector. (Image source: Chuck Coker/Flickr)

African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), one of Africa’s leading infrastructure-focused private equity fund managers and a member of Old Mutual Alternative Investments (OMAI), has acquired stakes in nine new solar and wind power plants in South Africa, through its IDEAS Managed Fund

Kazangs initiative to help customers in Rural Zambia will help in the devlopment of the country. (Image source: Azuri Technologies Ltd.)

Kazang Solar has been awarded US$1.6mn from Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) under its Renewable Energy and Climate Adaptation Technologies (REACT) window

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