Voith has opened its new East Africa Hub in Addis Ababa, aiming to highlight its active contribution to the development of electricity generation from hydropower in East Africa
Standard Bank: Off-grid generation is the future
Rentia van Tonder, head of power for StandardBankGroup, talks to African Review about the bank’s financial support towards innovative off-grid solutions to meet the future energy needs of Africa
AfDB approves US$1.5mn grant for Jigawa on-grid IPP solar power procurement programme in Nigeria
African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a US$1.5mn grant to support the Nigerian government’s implementation of Phase 1 of the Jigawa 1-GW Independent Power Producer (IPP) solar procurement programme
Ansaldo Energia to build an electric power production plant in Tunisia
Ansaldo Energia has signed an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Société Tunisienne de l’Élecriticité et du Gaz (STEG) to build a 625MW gas-fired open cycle thermoelectric power station in Mornaguia, south-west of Tunis, Tunisia
Engie and Meridiam win two solar photovoltaic projects in Senegal
Engie and investment partner Meridiam have been selected by Senegal’s Electricity Sector Regulation Commission (CRSE) as preferred bidder in a tender launched in October 2017 to build two solar photovoltaic projects totalling 60MW