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The price of electricity was hiked by more than 150 per cent in Sudan in the last week of July. (Image source: Ricardo Diaz/Flickr)

The Sudanese government has decided to suspend increases in power price following public discontent after a sudden hike in the last week of July

The US$223mn power transmission inter-connector development that hopes to link Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia (ZiZaBoNa) has attained interest from five investors, following a roundtable event held in Swakopmund, Namibia

The funds will be dedicated for construction of the Rukarara Substation and Rukarara - Kilinda High Voltage line. (Image source:

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) recently approved a loan of US$12mn to give boost Rwandas Electricity Access Scale-up Roll-out Programme

The reason behind Tanesco restructuring is that Tanzania needs abundant power supply and a structured organ to maintain it. (Image source: pwever/Flickr)

The Tanzania government will restructure the Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (Tanesco) in an attempt to improve its performance and promote private sector investment

The 230kV cross-border power transmission project stretches for 296km from Ethiopia to Sudan. (Image source:

Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation (EEPCo) has said that a test run has been launched for the supply of electricity to neighbouring Sudan

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