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Demand for electricity now outstrips the capacity of Lusaka’s grid, prompting the US$200mn overhaul. (Image source: Aurecon)

Aurecon has secured a contract to provide services for the makeover of Lusaka’s power grid

The African Development Fund will support the project that will improve the supply of electricity between Kenya and Tanzania. (Image source: Arbyreed/Flickr)

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved a loan amounting to US$144.9mn to the Kenya-Tanzania Interconnection Project

Nigerias power infrastructure such as sub-stations and transmission lines will get a boost from the government and Chinese company TBEA. (Image source: BrittneyLeBlanc/Flickr)

Nigeria has signed an MoU with China’s TBEA Co Ltd to fast-track the development of sub-stations and transmission lines in the country

The construction of a power line to the copper mine is subject to an environmental impact assessment. (Image source: Kenmainr/Flickr)

Namibia’s Craton Mining & Exploration is negotiating with national power utility NamPower to set up a power line to the Omitiomore copper oxide mine project

The Ghanaian government is facing a challenge of improving the countrys power sector. (Image source: sweggs)

Ghana’s aspiration of becoming a middle income country in a not too distant future hinges strongly on the availability of reliable and affordable electricity supply, a development tool that propels economies of countries in the current competitive global world

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