
Tomi Somefun, managing director of Unity Bank, welcomes the transition to clean solar energy solutions. (Image source: Unity Bank)

Unity Bank has agreed to work with Daystar Power in moving the power supply of Unity Bank’s branches across Nigeria from diesel generation to cleaner and more efficient solar-powered solutions

Greenbyte will be integrating CGN EE’s wind and solar assets in Europe and Africa, amounting to a total of 900 MW. (Image source: Sweet Ice Cream Photography/Unsplash)

CGN Europe Energy has chosen renewable energy management system Greenbyte Energy Cloud for their wind and solar PV farms

The vision of the off-grid rural house of the 2020s to be unveiled in Kigali on 8 November. (Image source: BBOXX)

BBOXX, a next-generation utility platform, will unveil its vision of a typical 2020s rural dwelling in the developing world at Unlocking Solar Capital Africa 2018

The system provides sustainable energy in off-grid settings that combines solar energy, battery storage and diesel generation to ensure a reliable electricity supply. (Image Source: Thomas Kohler/Flickr)

Next generation utility BBOXX and GE have partnered to provide energy access to small businesses, schools and other organisations in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

The new Solar PV project will be integrated with existing Port Victoria Wind Farm and PUC’s existing power station. (Image source: Jonathan Potts/Flickr)

Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) is set to help the Public Utilities Corporation (PUC) in building a five-megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant with battery storage in the Republic of Seychelles

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