
UNDP solar panels at the Sipepa Rural Hospital in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (Image source: UNDP)

The governments in sub-Saharan Africa have partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to launch the Solar for Health initiative to install solar systems in rural health centres and clinics

Kipeto will produce enough electricity to power the equivalent of 40,000 homes. (Image source: Johan Bos/Pexels)

GE Renewable Energy and GE Energy Financial Services (GE EFS) have partnered to provide technology and facilitate debt financing for an onshore wind project in sub-Sahara Africa

The funding will support up to 40 new renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa. (Image source: Magharebia/Flickr)

The UK government has announced US$126.62mn funding to build and develop electricity infrastructure for the people in sub-Saharan Africa

Solar projects stretching across the Sahel region are expected to connect 250mn people with electricity by tapping into the region’s abundant solar resource. (Image source: James Moran/Flickr)

The details of the “Desert to Power Initiative” have been outlined as part of the Paris Agreement climate change talks at COP24 in Katowice, Poland

Azuri and ElectriFI at COP24 will showcase how innovative financing is helping millions in Africa access clean, renewable energy. (Karen and Brad Emerson/Flickr)

Azuri Technologies and Electrification Financing Initiative (ElectriFI) will feature at the UN Climate Change Conference COP24 to showcase how innovative financing in the off-grid solar sector is helping millions across Africa access affordable, renewable, clean energy

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