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Sun Exchange solar-plus-storage project for Nhimbe Fresh goes live

Sun Exchange previously completed the crowd sale for the project. (Image Source: Sun Exchange)

Sun Exchange, the global solar leasing platform, has announced the 510 kWp + 1MWh solar-plus-storage installation to power Zimbabwean agriculture leader, Nhimbe Fresh, has started generating electricity

Sun Exchange previously completed the crowdsale for the project, with approximately US$1.4mn of solar cells bought by more than 1,905 individuals across 98 countries, making it the biggest crowdsourced project of any kind in Africa. This is the first of a multiphase solar-plus-storage project that will provide the fresh produce grower and exporter with lower-cost and reliable electricity and nearly eliminate its reliance on the grid. The Sun Exchange model enables Nhimbe Fresh to cut energy-related costs by roughly 60% and with solar power replacing coal and diesel generation/backup, its emissions will be reduced by more than 1,000 tonnes per year. 

The project will power the Nhimbe Fresh packhouse and cold store facilities. It marks Sun Exchange’s 44th completed solar installation, is the largest Sun Exchange solar project to date, first outside of South Africa and first to feature battery storage.

Abraham Cambridge, CEO and founder, Sun Exchange, said, “With African countries under pressure to decarbonise while simultaneously growing their economies, we need innovation that enables clean energy for businesses without placing a burden on national budgets or hindering development. With our technology and community-driven approach to solar, businesses like Nhimbe Fresh can access affordable, reliable solar power, protect their operations from power outages, reduce energy costs and lead efforts to create a sustainable future.”  

Energea Global, a U.S. renewable energy developer and portfolio manager, which manages more than US$100mn in funds, also purchased thousands of solar cells in the Nhimbe Fresh solar project.

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