
Qair to progress BESS hybrid projects in Mauritius

The four solar plants will integrate battery energy storage systems. (Image source: Qair)

Qair, an independent renewable energy producer, has signed power purchase agreements with the Central Electricity Board (CEB) for the development of solar PV and battery energy storage systems (BESS) hybrid facilities in Mauritius

The investment, worth approximately US$163mn, represents one of the largest energy investments in the Indian ocean. The projects, totalling 60MWac, will enter construction phase this year and are set to be commissioned in 2024. 

The solar plants will integrate large scale battery energy storage systems to provide clean and firm renewable power to the grid. They are designed to bring stability to the grid which will help in the phasing out of fossil fuel powered plants. 

Olivier Gaering, managing director at Qair Mauritius, commented, “As a well-established player in Mauritius with three power plants currently in operation totalling 35MW, we are pleased to accelerate our contribution to the country’s ambition to reach a 60% share of renewable energy in its electricity mix by 2030, phasing out coal."

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