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Connecting the dots: Grids, mini-grids and micro-grids

The Tandii solar plant, Namibia. (Image source: Gridworks)

Africa’s transmission and distribution infrastructure is integral to bringing power to the people, and it is now opening up to investors

The opening to the private sector of the transmission infrastructure market, which has so far been a natural monopoly of governments, is one area tipped to grow in the years ahead. 

Considering the amount of generation capacity required to meet Africa’s development needs, market watchers forsee a big opportunity for investors in transmission and distribution development, including regional interconnectors that will facilitate regional power trade.

Regional networks such as the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) have been operating for years, although trade has typically been modest. 

Now, new investors are taking an interest in this growing market. 

Find the full article in the latest issue of African Review:


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