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EU to invest in Rwandan energy sector

EU has expressed its wish to help Rwanda by investing in its energy sector. (Image source:

The European Union (EU) has pledged to fund major energy projects in Rwanda from 2013 through to 2015

EU head of delegation Micheal Arrion announced the investment would be made while speaking to delegates at the ACP-EU Energy Facility Forum in Kigali.

“The funding of the energy sector in Rwanda is something new for EU. The rate of access of energy in the country is quite low and we want to help the government to improve the situation,” Arrion said.

Arrion could not, however, specify the amount the institution was going to inject into the sector, stating that the figure would be determined after thorough talks with the Rwandan government and other stakeholders.

“We have been very active in funding roads rehabilitation, rural development, crop intensification programme, post-harvest mechanisms and the justice sector. Energy development in Rwanda hasn’t been our priority area of intervention,” he added.

Arrion stated that the investment development was a direct response to the 2013 Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 11) of Rwanda and fell within the framework of the division of labour among donors.

“After discussions and negotiations with the government, we do expect to have a final programme for the next five years from 2013-2018, where we will certainly focus the large part of our interventions and financial envelopes on energy sector,” he explained.

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