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TCN and WAPP to build 330KV power line in Nigeria

Nigeria is aiming to build an energy-sufficient nation to reduce the cost of import. (Image source: Nicole Kohler/Pixabay)

The transmission company of Nigeria (TCN) and the West African Power Pool (WAPP) have introduced plans to build a second 330 kV transmission line aiming to boost electricity supply to the Republic of Benin by 2021

Usman Gur Mohammed, interim managing director of TCN and Chairman of WAPP, disclosed this at a meeting in Abuja, reported This Day.

Mohammed said that Nigeria is targeting to achieve 20,000MW transmission capacity in next three years.

He said to the source, “The second 330kV Ikeja West transmission line to Sakete in Benin Republic is necessary as the first could soon be constrained by the demand for more power from the Nigerian grid increase.”

Mohammed further explained that TCN is planning a new rehabilitation and expansion plan and it has also been endorsed by the ministries of power and finance and other development partners.

TCN is also planning for a nationwide installation of transmission transformers, three of them already installed in Lagos, with two being scheduled to be installed in the north and another three in the Port Harcourt region, as reported by the source.

The WAPP project will be supported by the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and African Development Bank (AfDB). The construction of the project is expected to start by 2018 to be completed by 2021.

The project, after completion, is expected to meet the energy demand for the Nigeran citizens as well as adding value to the sustainable energy development of the country.

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