
Power Generation

HIMOINSA has an existing subsidiary in Angola, which has been operating successfully since 2013. (Image source: HIMOINSA)

Generating sets manufacturer HIMOINSA has announced the opening of a subsidiary in South Africa in Q4 2016

The first unit of the project is expected to go online by 24 December 2017 and the second on 18 March 2018. (Image Source: Del Green/Pixabay)

Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) has stated that the work on the expansion of the Kariba South power station is nearing completion

The Dema project will be in place during the development of big expansion projects such as Kariba South and Hwange power station. (Image Source: Danielle Bourgeois/Flickr)

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) has approved Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Companys (ZETDC) proposal to buy electricity from the Dema diesel emergency power plant at a cost of US$15.45 cents per kilowatt per hour

According to Camc, the project will be completed within 30 months. (Image source: Leighklotz/Flickr)

Chinese construction firm Camc has been awarded a contract by Ugandan government to build four substations, at a cost of about US$100mn

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