
Ethiopia to electrify 2,000 villages by September

Infrastructure to receive electricity is complete in 132 villages. (Image Source: Deepak Adhikari/Flickr)

The Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity has announced that 2,000 villages in the country will be electrified until the end of this fiscal year

The country allocated more than US$222mn for its rural electrification programme earlier this year.

The Ethiopian minister of water, irrigation and electricity Motuma Mekassa said that during the past ten months, 320 villages have gained access to electricity. Efforts are underway to bring electricity to the remaining villages by the end of September this year.

Infrastructure development for electricity is complete in 132 villages and the construction of power supply facilities is underway in 962 villages. The ministry is preparing the design for 493 villages and is on its way to receive site for the remaining villages, the minister said.

The Ethiopian ministry revealed that Ethiopia’s electricity coverage has now reached 56 per cent.

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