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Kenya to build first nuclear plant by 2025

Kenyas government wants to develop nuclear energy to help meet rising electricity demands. (Image source: Jarhead62/Wikimedia Commons)

Kenya has announced that it will build a 1,000 MW nuclear plant worth US$3.5bn by 2025 to support the country’s growing energy needs

William Ruto, deputy president of Kenya, said, “I have no doubt that Kenya will successfully implement its nuclear power programme safely and efficiently, borrowing from best practices in countries that have embraced and used the technology successfully for many decades.”

The plant is expected to be built near the country's Lake Victoria coastline, according to The Star.

Davis Chirchir, energy and petroleum cabinet secretary, said that no consensus has been reached so far on financing the project as the Kenyan government would prefer a public-private partnership (PPP).

Ruto added that Kenya would develop nuclear energy alongside other renewables such as geothermal, hydro, wind and solar. Kenyans face frequent blackouts due to the demand for electricity outstripping demand.

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