
Energy issues to be tackled at Harare conference

Harare_ZimbabweZimbabwe is set to host an energy management conference on March 15 as the country continues its struggle to provide a consistent energy supply to millions of consumers

Organised by the Socio-Economic Research Institute (SERI), Innotec Multimedia and Nova Capital Partners, the conference will feature statistical presentations on the country’s current energy usage and on how energy is being wasted and its cost to industry.

Held in Harare, the conference will also look as issues such as energy management, monitoring, energy-efficient technologies and auditing, and will feature presentations from officials at the Ministry of Energy and Power Development, ZESA, SIRDC and South Africa’s Eskom Distribution.

ZESA, the state energy provider, has said that it believes more than 20 per cent of the nation’s power could be saved through the introduction of effective industrial and domestic energy management and audit systems.

Local consultants have said that while the country works on long-term energy solutions by constructing more power stations, introducing energy management and audit systems would contribute to both short-term solutions and aid heavy users of electricity, such as the manufacturing and extractive sectors.

Improving efficiencies within the system would also save millions of dollars in bills and penalties for over usage, added the consultants, in the process reducing production costs and helping Zimbabwean products to be competitive on the local and international markets.

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