

DEUTZ CEO Dr Frank Hiller. (Image credit: DEUTZ)

Having finished a year dominated by coronavirus with a much improved fourth quarter in 2020, the uptrend for DEUTZ continued into the first quarter of 2021. This could be seen from the recently published preliminary results, which the company confirmed on 6 May

Cobalt and other critical minerals such as lithium and manganese will be in demand more and more to meet clean energy transition targets. (Image credit: Adobe Stock)

In the most comprehensive global study yet, IEA has called for government action to ensure reliable, sustainable supplies of elements vital for EVs, power grids, wind turbines and other key technologies

Enlit Africa to return in June, focusing on the 5Ds of the energy transition. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Enlit Africa will return on 8 June with a visionary discussion on the “5Ds of the energy transition”, namely, decarbonisation, decentralisation, democratisation, digitalisation and deregulation

MAN Energy Solutions with CHMC commissions 200 MW power plant near the Cambodian capital. (Image source: MAN Energy Solutions)

MAN Energy Solutions with China National Heavy Machinery Corporation (CHMC) has commissioned a 200MW power plant near the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, and handed it over to national utility, Electricité du Cambodge

IEA has forecasted global increase in renewable energy in 2021. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Forecasting that the renewable energy will increase by 8%, Photovoltaic (PV) solar and wind are expected to contribute to two-thirds of the growth in renewables electricity generation, according to the IEA in its Global Energy Review 2021 report

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