

A smart power plant. (Image source: Wärtsilä Energy)

The successful completion of the Azura Edo 450MW gas-fired power project in 2016 was hailed at the time as setting the blueprint for future independent power projects in Nigeria but, five years on, no new independent projects have come to fruition

Azelio’s TES.POD aims to secure a sustainable, cost-effective and reliable energy supply. (Image source: Azelio)

Azelio has won an order worth US$1.2mn for eight units with 1.3 MWh clean electricity supply of its long duration energy storage, TES.POD, from South African-based farming company Wee Bee Ltd

The generators are also very efficient, reducing fuel consumption by between seven and 20%, when compared to the previous models or machines from other suppliers on the market. (Image source: Doosan Portable Power)

Doosan Portable Power has introduced a range of small generator models for the Middle East and Africa (MEA) market, alongside the LVL portable light tower the company recently launched for the same market

SEFA is a multi-donor special fund that aims to unlock private sector investments that contribute to universal access sustainable and modern energy services for all in Africa. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has welcomed US$136mn in additional donor commitments for the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA)

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