

All countries in southern Africa are squaring up to the challenges posed by the energy transition. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The southern Africa region is navigating the challenges of the energy transition with a push to renewables and other clean technologies, though natural gas will remain pivotal for the foreseeable future

Africa is home to 60% of the best solar resources worldwide. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The International Energy Agency (IEA), in its newly released Africa Energy Outlook 2022, has stated that crippling spikes in energy prices underscore the urgency and the benefits for African countries of accelerating the scale up of cheaper and cleaner sources of energy

The collaboration will advance the energy transition. (Image Source: Eaton)

The intelligent power management company has announced it will expand its collaboration with Microsoft to accelerate applications of its Energy Aware uninterruptible power system technology 

The EITI Board has approved Angolas request of membership. (Image Source: Adobe Stock)

The EITI Board approved Angolas application, meaning its first disclosures in line with the EITI Standard will need to be made within the next 18 months

Golomoti Solar’s state-of-the-art lithium-ion BESS will reduce Malawi’s reliance on diesel generation. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi, has presided over an official inauguration ceremony to mark the addition of 20MWac of additional clean energy to Malawi’s national grid

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