

The decision has come after the Government approved for multipronged interventions to address the current energy crisis. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

South Africa’s Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has called for independent power producers to apply for water use authorisations to utilise water resources, water courses and infrastructure to generate hydropower to supplement the current electricity availability in the grid

The plant has a maximum capacity of around 1GW per year. (Image source: Schletter Group)

The Schletter Group, a leading manufacturer of solar mounting systems, is set to commission a new manufacturing site in Türkiye which will primarily produce for the European, Middle Eastern, American and African markets

Vickson Ncube is the board chairman of ZESCO. (Image source: ZESCO)

Vickson Ncube, ZESCO board chairman, takes a closer look at the utility’s new Strategic Plan to revitalise the country’s energy sector

The Mphanda Nkuwa Hydropower Project has an installed capacity of 1,500MW. (Image source: Synergy Consulting)

The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mozambique (MIREME) and Gabinete de Implementação do Projecto Hidroeléctrico de Mphanda Nkuwa (GMNK) have received bids for the Mphanda Nkuwa Hydropower Projects Strategic Partner selection

During testing, the capability of the engine to co-fire hydrogen blends was successfully demonstrated. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Technology group Wärtsilä and WEC Energy Group have successfully tested the capabilities of a Wärtsilä engine running on 25% hydrogen-blended fuel in what the group describes as a ‘key enabler’ for Africa’s renewable energy ambitions

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