

Image source: Akbar Nemati.

Zambia cannot keep up with fuel and electricity demand and its economic activities are under threat as a result, experts have warned

The Green Fuel plant makes anhydrous ethanol from sugar cane. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Zimbabwean cabinet has approved a government takeover of Green Fuel, a large-scale ethanol factory in Chisumbanje that manufactures anhydrous ethanol from sugarcane

power__TheAlieness_GiselaGiardinoFrance has sanctioned a loan of KES 8.3 billion (US$98.1 million) for Kenya to upgrade its power transmission lines and eliminate electricity crisis

The new tariff system is expected to stabilise the power sector. (Image source: Rambla/Flickr)

Nigeria has launched a new power tariff system under which rich consumers will pay more while power costs will be sufficiently reduced for poorer users

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