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According to Nigerian minister of power there will be a quantum leap in power generation from solar energy by 10,000MW. (Image source: thegeneration/Flickr)

Nigeria has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) worth US$30bn with South Korean firm HQMC for the generation of up to 1,000MW of solar power annually for the next 10 years

The MoU for the project was signed in December 2009 between the Ethiopian and Kenyan governments. (Image source: james_jhs/Flickr)

Ethiopia and Kenya have revealed plans to begin construction of the Ethiopia-Kenya interconnector high-voltage electric highway line from September 2013

The objective of the agreement is to increase Rwandas power generation capacity and lessen power import. (Image source: doug_wertman/Flickr)

The Rwandan government has signed a power-purchase agreement with the Energy, Water & Sanitation Authority (EWSA) and Renewable Energy for Accelerated Development Rwanda (REFAD) to develop and manage a hydro-power plant

The period between 2013 and 2016 will see a steep increase in power output in southern Africa. (Image source: Peter Kaminski/Flickr)

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will commission new power projects in an attempt to increase electricity generation capacity in the region by 17,856MW between 2013 and 2016

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