
Trevali notes promising signs for Rosh Pinah mine in Namibia

The company is set to boost mining infrastructure in the country. (Image source: hangela/Pixabay)

Trevali Mining Corporation has announced positive pre-feasibility study (PFS) result at its 90%-owned Rosh Pinah mine in Namibia

Trevali Mining Corporation is set to commence a feasibility study of the RP2.0 Expansion in the Q1 2021.

The PFS incorporates an upgrade to the comminution circuit to include a new single stage SAG mill and pebble crusher. The upgrade includes primary crushing upgrades, an ore blending system, along with other circuit modifications to provide increased flotation, thickening, filtration and pumping capacity to achieve the target throughput of 1.3 mtpa. The upgrade will also include several flowsheet modifications aimed at improving both the concentrate grade and metal recoveries.

Ricus Grimbeek, president and CEO, commented, “The addition of a new portal, SAG mill, crushing and ore blending system and a paste fill plant will allow us to modernise the mine and produce more metal faster and at a significantly lower operating cost, all while working more safely and reducing our environmental footprint.”

Once the project is commissioned, onsite operating costs are expected to reduce by approximately 28% on a per tonne milled basis. Mining costs per tonne milled will be reduced due to the change in the mining method to include paste fill allowing for increased ore recovery and reduced mining dilution. 

Additionally, the mining costs is set to benefit from the dedicated underground decline to the WF3 deposit which will allow for more efficient material handling and reduced cycle times. Except for power, the processing unit costs will decrease as a result of treating increased tonnages following the upgrade. Fixed on site costs on a per tonne milled basis will also decrease as the mine ramps up from 0.7 mtpa to the PFS target of 1.3 Mtpa as a function of higher annual throughput.

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