

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group have approved a €12mn senior loan with a 15-year tenor, including a five-year grace period, to finance the Dakar-Diamniado toll highway in Senegal.

p>The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group have approved a €12mn senior loan with a 15-year tenor, including a five-year grace period, to finance the Dakar-Diamniado toll highway in Senegal.

New Holland Construction handed over 75 heavy line machines for road building at a public ceremony held in May 2010 in Minna, Niger State, in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

p>New Holland Construction handed over 75 heavy line machines for road building at a public ceremony held in May 2010 in Minna, Niger State, in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Events such as World of Asphalt (USA, various locations) offer a wealth of technology with initials like GPS and RFID, mostly designed for industrialised country conditions where recycling of pavement is normal and high-tech levelling and measuring via satellite is the norm.

p>Events such as World of Asphalt (USA, various locations) offer a wealth of technology with initials like GPS and RFID, mostly designed for industrialised country conditions where recycling of pavement is normal and high-tech levelling and measuring via satellite is the norm.

Atlas Copco’s new High Precision Tunnelling (HPT) concept points the way to further process refinement and greater cost efficiency.

In an effort to boost regional trade, the East African Community (EAC) has moved to improve road network from the Tanzania border through Kenya and Uganda to Ethiopia and Sudan.

p>In an effort to boost regional trade, the East African Community (EAC) has moved to improve road network from the Tanzania border through Kenya and Uganda to Ethiopia and Sudan.

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