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Louis Berger wins US$2.7mn road maintenance contract in Gabon

Louis Berger will train around 20 SMEs in Gabon the importance and techniques of road maintenance. (Image source: Jbdodane/Flickr)

Infrastructure company Louis Berger is leading an international consortium that has been awarded a US$2.7mn EU-funded technical assistance contract for road maintenance in Gabon

According to the contract, Louis Berger will train nearly 20 Gabon-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to maintain and monitor roads in the central African nation.

Jean-Pierre Dupacq, head of operations in Louis Berger Africa, said, “It is critical that long-term sustainability and viability considerations be taken into account for these types of project. Through training, knowledge sharing and coaching with the Gabonese public and private sectors, Louis Berger is promoting lower total cost of ownership and equipping local actors to be vendors of choice for future road construction and maintenance in the country.”

The contract is part of Gabon’s Sector Governance Support Program and the second one that has been won by Louis Berger in eight years. Between 2007 and 2012, the company was also involved in the programme’s earlier phase, providing institutional capacity building for public and private sector organisations working to improve the maintenance of Gabon’s road network.

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