
Caterpillar expands Paving Products family

The Cat AP500 Asphalt Paver in action. (Image source: Caterpillar)

Caterpillar has announced that it will be adding a new compact line of asphalt pavers and screeds to the Paving Products family

These standard 2.44 m size-class paver and screed combinations weigh in at 14 to 16 metric tonnes and include the Cat AP400, AP455 Mobil-trac, AP455 Steel Track, AP500, AP555 Mobil-trac, and AP555 Steel Track asphalt pavers as well as the SE47 VT and SE50 VT tamper bar screeds. 

The compact size and small footprint combine with exceptional manoeuvrability for more opportunity to pave in confined areas such as narrow streets, small parking lots, and other urban-type applications. The SE47 VT standard paving range is 2.4 to 4.7 m with a maximum width of 6 m, while the SE50 VT standard paving range is 2.55 to 5.0 m with a maximum width of 7.64 m. Furthermore, paving depths up to 300 mm support aggregate paving applications.

With a length of less than 5.6 m and width of 2.55 m, these 14-16-tonne size-class machines can be transported without special permits. Furthermore, the front-loading angle of 17º and high bumper clearance simplifies loading without the need for additional blocking materials.

Speed, traction, flotation, and durability are all features of the Cat Mobil-trac undercarriage design utilised on the AP455 and AP555. The unique four-bogie system with self-tensioning accumulators and centre guide blocks help prevent slippage and reduce wear, while the oscillating bogie wheels help deliver smooth transitions when exiting the cut over transverse joints of mill and fill applications.

The AP455 and AP555 steel track models provide many of the same great features utilised on the Mobil-trac versions with slightly less travel speeds. This stable design utilises an auto-tensioning system for excellent tractive performance while also keeping wear at a minimum.

Drive tyre options include both sand-rib and radial options. The AP400 can be equipped with a front-wheel assist option, while the AP500 can be equipped with front-wheel assist or the all-wheel drive option for increased performance on soft base materials or when pushing heavy loads.

As smooth material flow is a critical component that can help contractors achieve quality targets, the new models combine a low truck entry height with smaller, 355 mm diameter augers that efficiently move material through the auger chamber at both narrow and wide paving widths. In addition, they boast the ability to control each material feed sensor by simply switching to manual and utilising the proportional control dial for the feed system.

Whether paving straight-line rural or winding urban applications, Cat pavers and screeds utilise similar functions across the entire product line that enables personnel to easily move between crews or train new members when necessary. These new machines have simplified menu structures that provide single-touch activation for screed heat, washdown, and ventilation systems all from the main menu. 

Cat pavers are equipped with an exclusive eco-mode feature that combines with automatic speed control to reduce fuel consumption. In most conditions, the engine can operate at a lower rpm and still deliver the required power to meet performance requirements. If needed, the engine will automatically adjust to a higher engine speed if certain load conditions are met.

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