
African bank to finance Liberia road project

AfDB president Donald Kaberuka. (Image source: World Economic Forum/Flickr)

African Development Bank (AfDB) President, Donald Kaberuka, has said that the bank will finance the Fishtown-Harper Highway project in southeastern Liberia

The estimated cost of the project has been placed at US$50mn and it will attempt to bring relief to residents of the southeast Liberian region by making trade, commerce and travel convenient in the region.

Kaberuka said Liberia was becoming a success story and the bank wanted to extend its support in paving the highway that would foster growth and development.

The AfDB President also said that the bank would undertake other infrastructural projects in the region to link Liberia with its neighbours.

According to Kaberuka, Liberian President Johnson-Sirleaf was providing the country with leadership that had put the country on the right trajectory of economic growth and development.

The Liberian leader also commended the bank for its continued support to the country’s development agenda.

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