

Pang Yee Ean, CEO of Surbana International Consultants and Robert Luzolanu Mavema, provincial minister of the Plan, Budget, Public Works and Infrastructure DR Congo. (Image source: Surbana International Consultants)

Singapore’s Surbana International Consultants has been chosen as the master planner for Kinshasa, capital of DR Congo

Six MoUs were signed in total, including deals for the development of industrial cities at Luba and Mbini. (Image source: jbdodane/Flickr)

Equatorial Guinea has secured a wave of Chinese investment, following a trade forum in Dalian

Cairo’s population of 18mn is set to double within the next 40 years. (Image source: Ricardo Liberato/Flickr)

Egypt has unveiled plans for a new 700sq km capital city to be built to the East of Cairo

The data published in the report does not include ‘unconfirmed’ projects (Image source: Shimona Carvalho/ Flickr)

Provider of hotel industry performance forecasts, STR Global, has announced that there are 633 hotels under contract in the Middle East/Africa region in a new report published by the firm

Despite several financial troubles, South Africas construction industry has grown stronger in the past three years. (Image source: DamienDuToit/Flickr)

Professional network services provider PwC has released a report which states that South Africa’s construction industry is growing stronger and“looks poised” to support the country’s infrastructure development

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