
WSP supports Roha Health to bring Addis Ababa hospital to life

A digital rendering of the Roha Advanced Multi-Speciality Hospital. (Image source: WSP)

WSP is providing a range of services to support Roha Health as it completes the Roha Advanced Multi-Speciality Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The multimillion dollar project in Ethiopia will comprise 350 beds and a total gross floor area of 40,000 sq m with a centralised utilities block to house engineering services. It will provide critically needed services to Ethiopian citizens and offer a range of advanced specialities, employing state-of-the-art technology. Various centres of excellent will be included including oncology, dialysis, a dedicated mother and child floor, a dedicated C-section theatre, paediatrics, eight operating theatres, and two cat labs.

In order to bring this project online, Roha Health has enlisted the help of WSP to provide its broad range of engineering services including civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, fire, electronics, wet services and sustainability consulting.

WSP has recently established an Integrated Design Delivery (IDD) sector in response to continuing to advance on how its teams deliver multi-disciplinary projects. Adri Metzer, director of integrated design delivery (sector lead), WSP in Africa, explained, “Our IDD team has been involved in the Roha Advanced Multi-Speciality Hospital project from the onset of the conceptualisation phases. While IDD serves as an internal design and project coordination function and does not replace the project management or principal agent role on a project, it certainly boasts significant value-added benefits through integrating technology, capturing data, and turn it into actionable insights for project teams and clients, alike.”

With sustainability at the core of the project, WSP is aiming to engineer a facility to provide a high standard of healthcare without wasting resources. This will, it is hoped, achieved the minimum predicted savings of 20% in terms of energy, water and embodied energy of materials. As part of this, the project will integrate water conservation methods and utilise alternative power sources such as the use of low flow taps and showers, and all toilets will have a dual flush function. In addition, energy-efficient light fittings will be installed throughout the hospital. 

With patient care a top priority, an integrated Hospital Information Systems (HIS) environment will be implemented to ensure patients have an efficient experience. Digital signage and screens throughout the facility will ensure both staff and patients have effective access to information. 

Jabulile Nhlapo, director & healthcare lead, WSP in Africa, commented, “The aim is that Roha Advanced Multi-Speciality Hospital, and other medical precincts like it, will reduce the number of Ethiopian citizens travelling out of the country, or continent, for major procedures and treatment. At the same time, being a regional centre of excellence and providing multi-speciality expertise, opens opportunities to attract more medical tourism through increased intracontinental specialist healthcare provision.

“Roha Advanced Multi-Speciality Hospital sets a benchmark for mixed-use healthcare facilities in Africa. From concept to implementation, this development is underpinned by the vital role that access to health and medical care plays in the lives of communities.”

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