
Wacker launches new polymer and silicone products

Wacker has introduced a series of polymer and silicone-based products for use in challenging construction applications. (Image source: Wacker)

Chemical processor and manufacturer Wacker Group unveiled a range of new and innovative products at Buildexpo Africa 2013, which took place in Kenya in early May

The group introduced a series of polymer and silicone-based products for use in challenging construction applications. The group’s polymer product portfolio comprises water-repellent, dispersible polymer powders for decorative exterior plasters and highly flexible waterproofing membranes.

A statement from Wacker claimed that the water repellent VINNAPAS Dispersible Polymer Powders has been equipped to offer a form of lasting water protection.

“What makes this powder special is its relatively high ethylene content, which renders the end product extremely flexible. Further benefits are strong adhesion, even following protracted exposure to water, as well as high elasticity, outstanding crack-bridging ability, and ease of processing,” the statement added.

For exterior applications, Wacker has developed VINNAPAS 8034 H, which is dispersible polymer powder based on vinyl chloride, ethylene and vinyl laurate. It lowers the water uptake of mortars, without compromising their high water-vapor permeability.

Wacker has also launched a range of new silicone sealants for sanitary applications. They confer compelling levels of adhesion to porous and non-porous substrates, ranging from metal to glass and ceramics through to plastic, wood and other substances. The ready-to-use sealants are flexible at both high (150°C) and low (50°C) temperatures and can be applied by hand or machine.

The group’s hybrid adhesive, GENIOSIL N series, has been based on Wacker alpha-silane technology and designed to meet all the technical and ecological requirements imposed on modern adhesives and sealants.

Wacker said that the products were characterised by a combination of high mechanical strength and crucial elastic properties. They are thus predestined for high-stress interior and exterior applications, it added.

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