

Rising populations and a vibrant middle class have forced four East African states to face up to the challenge of constructing at least five million housing units in order to meet soaring demands

A host of rural villages in Zambia will benefit from new healthcare facilities. (Image source: CIFOR)

Zambia has signed a credit facility worth US$50 million with the EXIM Bank of India to fund the construction of 650 rural health centres

NSSF, Tanzania is set to construct a US$40mn, 26 storey commercial building in Nairobi, Kenya

Tanzania’s National Social Security Fund is set to construct a US$40mn, 26 storey commercial building in Nairobi, Kenya

Ethiopia is planning to carry out feasibility studies on three additional hydropower plants.

Senior ministers at Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water & Energy are planning to carry out feasibility studies on three additional hydropower plants

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