
City Fleet standardises on local Bell TLBs

Bell Equipment Chief Executive, Gary Bell with Sales Executive, Philani Gumbi and Brian Stokes (back) and Malcolm Joshua of Ethekwini City Fleet with one of the eleven new Bell TLBs the municipality has added to its fleet.

Ethekwini Municipality’s City Fleet took delivery of eleven Bell Tractor-Loader-Backhoes (TLBs) and ten Bomag BW75H Walk-Behind Rollers at the end of July, in line with the municipality’s procurement policy to support local manufacturers and standardise its fleet, which now numbers thirty-six Bell TLBs

At the official hand over Bell Equipment Chief Executive, Gary Bell said the event was to “celebrate the opportunity where two South African entities can work together for the cause of growing the country’s manufacturing industry and supporting service delivery to local communities”.

He expressed his company’s appreciation for the support it has received from the metropolitan over the years and said that Bell Equipment has a policy to include as much local content into its products as possible. “Our TLBs have the highest local content of any TLB on the South African market with the steel domestically produced by Arcelor-Mittal. Our factory employs about 2 000 people and we have some 250 local suppliers, which has a multiplier effect on job creation for our country. Our country’s biggest challenge is to make sure our youth have the opportunity to receive a solid education and a decent job so we are appreciative of Ethekwini Municipality’s support over the years and particularly at this time.”


Product support

Going forward he said he hoped that the company would be able to exceed Ethekwini’s expectations in terms of product support. “You also have a large number of Bomag machines in your fleet and we are very supportive of the Bomag product. Bomag is one of the best partners we have. You can be assured that we will work hard through the lifetime of your machines to reduce the running cost of your fleet.”

In response the Head of City Fleet, Malcolm Joshua said the municipality understands the impact that supporting local manufacturers has on local job creation and, therefore, the metropolitan’s procurement policy supports national government’s drive to “buy local”.


City Fleet manufacturing

He said: “Ninety percent of the City Fleet is locally manufactured, the driving factor is that the company must have a South African manufacturing footprint and it is impressive to know that we have a major player and job creator like Bell Equipment 170km up the road, which is able to produce world class products.”

Joshua added: The availability of our fleet is benchmarked at 95 per cent, ensuring optimal availability to deliver services to our communities.

“At City Fleet we see ourselves as a leading fleet management department in the country and also assist other municipalities. We also run an annual truck show, which has attracted national interest. We believe we have a business model to sustain our municipality as well as assist other municipalities going forward,” he said.

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