
B2Gold continues operating at Fekola Mine in Mali

B2Gold is helping the government to mitigate COVID-19-related challenges and impact on the mining sector. (Image source: RitaE/Pixabay)

B2Golds mining operations at its Fekola Mine in Mali have not been affected and the company continues mining and milling operations as normal, stated the company in a release

The Fekola Mine has sufficient supplies on hand to maintain its budgeted activities through the end of the third quarter and beyond if needed. Additionally, the expansion of the mine remains on schedule. 

“No operational days have been lost due to the political situation in the country and all of B2Gold's mine personnel are safe,” according to the company. 

With an aim to provide economic benefits and job creation to the communities and regional and national governments, B2Gold has decided to continue to monitor the situation and work to ensure that its mining operations continue normally. 

B2Gold is helping the government to assist the people of Mali in facing the COVID-19-related challenges and its impact on the mining sector. 

As a vital commercial enterprise in Mali, the Fekola Mine generated almost US$134mn in revenue for the government of Mali in 2019.

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