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The endorsement follows a decade of efforts by Equatorial Guinea to join the initiative, which seeks to address major governance issues of transparency and accountability in the extractive sectors. (Image source: Embassy of Equatorial Guinea/Flickr)

Equatorial Guinea has made a decisive step toward joining the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Oslo, Norway, receiving the endorsement of the EITI International Secretariat and establishing positive bilateral relations between the two parties

Mohamed Ibn Chambasis the special representative of the secretary-general and head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel. (Image source: UNAMID/Flickr)

On the eve of presidential and parliamentary elections in Nigeria, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, special representative of the secretary-general and head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), has commended Nigerians for a peaceful and participatory pre-election period

AIRCHOC® Air Cannons helps dispose of material build-ups. (Image source: Standard Industrie)

More than 40 years, Standard Industrie International has been a specialist in the design and manufacture of solutions aiming to facilitate the handling of bulk products by combining safety and environment respectively, especially in southern Africa

The new project is seen to resolve water-related problems in the areas. (Image source: GalinaSt/Adobe Stock)

UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has launched a US$40,000 borehole construction project in the remote villages of Akot Madut and Atoong, located more than 40 kilometres from the Tonj area capital

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