
Comprehensive range of leak detectors launched


Radiodetection, designer, manufacturer and supplier of underground cable and pipe locators, has announced the release of a comprehensive range of leak detectors for the water supply industry.

Radiodetection, designer, manufacturer and supplier of underground cable and pipe locators, has announced the release of a comprehensive range of leak detectors for the water supply industry.

Water-leak-productsCRloRadiodetection now offers survey and inspection professionals the option to locate, maintain and map essential infrastructure.

Radiodetection’s RD54x family and RD550 acoustic leak detectors offers water industry professionals a selection of easy-to-use, affordable and portable systems to suit any application. These handheld units are an ideal companion to Radiodetection’s RD7000+ and RD8000 range of cable and pipe locators.

The range of RD52x family of wireless noise loggers offers water industry professionals the ability to monitor extensive and complex water networks over time. By combining digital and acoustic technology, Radiodetection makes it easy to monitor and repair vital water supplies. With van-mounted wireless data receivers, Radiodetection wireless noise loggers are an essential component of the mobile inspection professional’s toolkit.

Radiodetection’s RD533 leak noise correlator offers water industry professionals the ability to detect water leaks and trace pipeline topography using state-of-the-art technology. The correlator analyzes audio frequencies within water pipes to detect the characteristic noises caused by leaks.

In addition, Radiodetection have introduced the RD560 Water leak Gas trace locator. The RD560 can detect and locate minute leaks in residential and industrial water supply pipelines. This highly-sensitive product uses specially prepared trace gas (5 per cent Hydrogen, 95 per cent Nitrogen), to pinpoint the leak in the water pipe to alert the user of even the smallest leak, long before it becomes problematic.

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