

South Africa is set to take a number of water efficiency measures. (Image source: Julien Harneis/Flickr)

South African Department of Tourism has announced the addition of support for water efficiency measures in the hospitality industry to the third window application period of the Green Tourism Incentive Programme (GTIP), from 1 September to 30 November 2018

BFV Type58 another ver. (Image source: Celtech)

Celtech, the official distributors in high-quality non-corrosive valves, gaskets and actuators in Southern Africa for the Asahi Company Japan who are amongst the world leaders in the manufacturing of Thermoplastic Valves, has discussed the Thermoplastic Valve and about their latest successful project

AfDB takes initiative to develop Zambia’s water and agriculture infrastructure. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

An African Development Bank (AfDB) team of experts, led by Martin Fregene, director of agricultural infrastructure and Wambui Gichuri, director of water development and sanitation, visited Zambia from 23-27 July to identify businesses in the nation’s water and agriculture sectors and explore new financing opportunities for the country’s development

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