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Enterprise Software

As the demand for managed hosting services continues to increase, the industry’s requirements of the systems used to operate their businesses have become increasingly more complex.

p>As the demand for managed hosting services continues to increase, the industry’s requirements of the systems used to operate their businesses have become increasingly more complex.

IMPALA, the International MHEG Promotion Alliance, recently announced that South Africa – via its Digital Dzonga Advisory Council – has selected MHEG-5 as the interactive TV middleware for its digital switchover.MPALA, the International MHEG Promotion Alliance, recently announced that South Africa – via its Digital Dzonga Advisory Council – has selected MHEG-5 as the interactive TV middleware for its digital switchover.

AML will use the Aconex Online Collaboration Platform to manage documents, drawings, correspondence and other project information. (Image source:

Online project collaboration solutions provider Aconex has been engaged by African Minerals (AML) to support rail, port and infrastructure development for the Pepel35 expansion of the Tonkolili Iron Ore Mining Project in Sierra Leone

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