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The transition to digital payments is in line with the Government of Sudan’s intention to establish the multi-ministerial Digital Transformation Agency. (Image source: Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning, Republic of Sudan)

Sudan has joined the United Nations-based “Better Than Cash Alliance” and announced commitment to accelerate digital payments, improving financial inclusion and transperancy throughout Sudans vast territory

The report recognises mitigating steps government has already taken, and this forecast assumes the authorities will take additional health and economic policy measures to mitigate negative impacts. (Image source: Jorge Cancela/Flickr)

Notwithstanding Tanzania’s strong growth performance in 2019, its economy will also suffer the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic crisis, according to a World Bank report

The aim is to accelerate the economy’s productive capacity. (Image source: Aloysius/Pixabay)

Sub-Saharan Africa’s policies should focus on increasing agricultural output and strengthening households’ ability to withstand shocks, crucial for reducing inequalities while boosting economic growth and jobs, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF)

On the positive side, there was increased activity from domestic investors. (Image source: Alex Strachan/Pixabay)

African equity capital markets activities have seen a downward trajectory over the past three years as major economies in the continent are faced with fiscal challenges due to growing debt levels and slow economic growth, according to data presented by the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Nigeria 2019 African Capital Market Watch

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