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UNDP and African leaders launching the timbuktoo initiative. (Image source: UNDP)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched the timbuktoo initiative alongside a number of African countries to bring catalytic and commercial capital together in support of Africa’s startup ecosystem

According to World Bank Enterprise Survey data, nearly three quarters of firms surveyed in Côte d’Ivoire said access to finance is a major constraint for their business. (Image source: BII)

British International Investment (BII), a development finance institution, has announced a loan to support micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) growth in Côte d’Ivoire alongside advancing gender finance

Access Bank Zambia hopes to enter three banks in the country by 2027. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Access Bank Zambia, a subsidiary of Access Bank Group plc and a leading full-service commercial bank, has completed the acquisition of African Banking Corporation Zambia Limited (trading as Atlas Mara Zambia) after obtaining regulatory approvals

The agreement is part of the European Commission’s commitment to enhance engagement with partners and regions in Africa. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The European Union (EU) and Kenya have signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to enhance trade in goods, increase investment flows and contribute to economic growth

The DAICE Programme aims to strengthen the Ivorian Government's efforts towards economic diversification, the green transition and industrial development. (Image source: AfDB)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved to loans to Côte d’Ivoire for the implementation of the Diversification, Industrial Acceleration, Competitiveness and Employment (DAICE) Programme the country had adopted under its National Development Plan 2021-2025

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