Africas poorest countries saw a very little progress on average in improving the quality of their policy and institutional frameworks in 2018, according to the World Banks annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) report
Mozambique implements IMF’s enhanced general data dissemination system
Mozambique has implemented the recommendations of the IMF’s enhanced general data dissemination system (e-GDDS) by publishing critical data through the National Summary Data Page (NSDP)
DPO Group acquires PayFast in a deal for African online payments sector
DPO Group, African payment service provider (PSP), has announced its acquisition of PayFast, one of the largest payment processors in South Africa
GreenTec Capital Partners signs MoU to boost entrepreneurial spirit in Africa
The Senegalese General Delegation for the Acceleration of Entrepreneurship for Women and Young People (DER) has signed a partnership agreement with GreenTec Capital Partners, one of the leading German investors into African startups
Investing in German-African energy startups
The Germany Africa Business Forum e.V. (GABF) has collaborated with private partners from the energy industry, launching a multi-million Euro funding commitment to investing in German energy startups that focus on Africa