

With regard to African countries, Japan has signed or concluded Investment Agreements with Egypt, Mozambique, Kenya and Morocco. (Image source: Roman Yanushevsky/Adobe Stock)

Kuramitsu, ambassador of Japan to Cote dIvoire, and Marcel Amon-Tanoh, minister for foreign affairs of Côte dIvoire, have signed the “Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Cote dIvoire for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment”

Morocco is actively attracting foreign investments by creating free economic zones (Image source: Julian Hacker/Pixabay)

Suzuki Keisuke, state minister for foreign affairs of Japan, and Mohcine Jazouli, minister delegate to the minister of foreign affairs of Morocco, signed the ‘Agreement between Japan and the Kingdom of Morocco for the Promotion and Protection of Investment’ (the Japan-Morocco Investment Agreement)

The training comes at a time when Uganda is preparing for her Third National Development Plan (NDP III) which comes into effect in June 2020. (Image source: UNCDF)

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) conducted a workshop on municipal Asset Management Action Plans (AMAPs) in Gulu, Uganda in December 2019

The Libyan experts agreed that the Libyan economy was under duress due to the institutional fragmentation caused by the conflict. (Image source: alain baron/Adobe Stock)

UNSMIL convened a meeting of 19 Libyan economic experts representing the main Libyan financial and economic institutions as well as the different economic sectors

The focus is on eliminating macroeconomic imbalances, achieving inclusive growth. (Image source: IMF)

The IMF has approved a US$3bn programme for Ethiopia to support the government’s own Homegrown Economic Reform Programme, which is designed to eliminate macroeconomic imbalances and lay the foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth

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